Photography, drawing, painting, crafting and creativity has always been a passion of mine. There hasn't been a time in my life where I can say I wasn't doing something associated with art. From the simple doodling on a scratch paper to creating signs for peoples businesses, there has been something that I have done to express my own uniqueness. It wasn't until a few years ago where I decided to take in consideration from people that I should be doing what I love to do and make it a career. It took some time to figure out what specifically I wanted to do with my gifts but I found photography has been the one where I feel most comfortable with. After saving money to buy a camera way out of my league at the time, I found myself creating my own style of viewing life from which I see through my own eyes. After attending a couple of colleges and an art school, earning two degrees didn't make me an artist or a scholar, it made me realize chasing dreams and making them reality wasn't hard at all. It was facing the self battle of self doubt and denial is what made it much harder than expected. The "get up and go do it" mentality is what slowed me down all along. After emulating and contacting several photographers from all over the world, the one thing each person has said to me that finally made sense after taking time to understand is to "Be yourself'. You will always have a critique whether they like or dislike your work. From that understanding I have made it a point to just focus on what it is I am trying to accomplish and to make moments last for a lifetime. . Currently, the daily duties consist of freelancing photography, Photo/ light assisting, photo editing, graphic art/design, and video production. Past and current employers have been with Under Armor,Sports Illustrated, USA Today Sports images, National Hot Rod Association, NCAA and College Football Payoff. Not to mention with various professional photographers throughout the continental United States.